Diarrhoea: When do I need to seek medical consultation?
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Diarrhoea: When do I need to seek medical consultation?

If you reply YES to any of the questions below, you should not self-medicate, but should consult a doctor immediately.

  • Do you have diarrhoea together with a severe loss of weight?1
  • Are you currently taking antibiotics?
  • Are you currently on treatment that suppresses your immune system (Immunosuppressives, chemotherapy…)?1
  • Are your symptoms still present after 4 weeks?2
  • Are you very thirsty or do you have a dry tongue?
  • Is your diarrhoea relapsing frequently or do you notice alternating diarrhoea and constipation ?1

1: Some Causes and Features of Diarrhea. MSD Manual Consumer Version. https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/digestive-disorders/symptoms-of-digestive-disorders/diarrhea-in-adults?query=Traveller’s%20diarrhoea [Accessed 5 November 2019]
2. Greenberger NJ. Diarrhoea in Adults. MSD Manual Consumer Version. Diarrhea in Adults. https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/digestive-disorders/symptoms-of-digestive-disorders/diarrhea-in-adults?query=diarrhoea# [Accessed 5 November 2019]