Prescribed and used worldwide since 1975, therapeutic clays have been the subject of numerous scientific studies and reviews of studies published in leading scientific journals.
Our decades of expertise in therapeutic clays guarantees the quality of our products. But that’s not all. Above all, we want that by using our clay-based medicines, you are effectively relieved of your digestive discomforts with confidence. We are therefore developing active ingredients with physicochemical properties and action on the digestive system perfectly identified by recent scientific and medical studies.
Proven effectiveness against diarrhea
Diosmectite is the clay that has been most extensively studied. Its efficacy and safety have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies and reviews of studies published in scientific journals around the world.

A recent review gathering the results of several clinical trials has shown in children with acute diarrhea a reduction in the duration of diarrhea, an acceleration of healing and a very good tolerance1. Clinical trials in adults have shown a decrease in the number of days before the return of normal transit in acute diarrhoea2 and in the frequency of bowel movements in chronic diarrhoea and intestinal pain related to functional bowel disorders3,4.
Recognition by science… and millions of users!

The efficacy and good tolerance of diosmectite have also been observed “in real life”. Since their introduction to the market, our diosmectitis-based medicines such as SmectaGo have been advised and used by generations of doctors, pharmacists and patients around the world. Since 1975, at least 15 billion sachets of diosmectite have been consumed by nearly 700 million people worldwide5.

References :
1 : Perez-Gaxiola G, Cuello-Garcia CA, Florez ID et al. Smectite for acute infectious diarrhoea in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2018;4:Cd011526.
2 : Khediri F, Mrad AI, Azzouz M, et al. Efficacy of diosmectite (smecta) in the treatment of acute watery diarrhoea in adults: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2011; 783196.
3 : Yao-Zong Y, Shi-Rong L, Delvaux M. Comparative efficacy of dioctahedral smectite (Smecta) and a probiotic preparation in chronic functional diarrhoea. Dig Liver Dis 2004;36:824-828.
4 : Chang FY, Lu CL, Chen CY, Luo JC Efficacy of dioctahedral smectite in treating patients of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2007, 22: 2266-2272
5 : Cumulatively, postmarketing exposure to diosmectite. PSUR on the 11 january 2019